Active Studies

ISLAND Study (Investigating Sleep Across Normal Development)
The ISLAND Study is an investigation of sleep changes across the adult life span. In addition to sleep, study participants are asked about physical health, mood, pain and cognitive functioning. The general goal of this research project is to better disentangle some of the complicated developmental changes in sleep and related behaviors that occur as we age.

HEROES Study (Helping Enhance Responders’ Outlook on Effective Sleep)
The HEROES Study is a joint effort between the SAGE Research Lab and the Chronopsychology Lab. In this study we aim to better understand the sleep, and sleep consequences, of firefighters. Ultimately, we hope to use knowledge gained to design, implement and test an intervention aimed at improving the sleep of first responders.

IMPROVE Study - IC (Improving Veterans Sleep - Inflammatory and Cognitive Outcomes)
The IMPROVE study is a Veteran Affairs-funded, randomized clinical trial testing a novel sleep intervention for older adults with comorbid sleep apnea and insomnia. Through funding from the National Institute on Aging, inflammatory markers and neuropsychological functioning were added to the trial as additional outcomes.
Completed Studies

AAMP Study (Active Adult Mentoring Program)
The AAMP Study was a randomized, controlled trial aimed at increasing physical activity levels in previously sedentary older adults. In addition to the main outcomes of physical activity and physical fitness, the trial also included numerous measures of sleep, cognitive functioning and other health indicators. Multiple publications have resulted from the AAMP Study, with more work currently in progress.

HSS (Healthy Sleep Study)
The HSS Study was a randomized, controlled trial testing a brief nonpharmacological insomnia intervention for older adults. A unique aspect of this study was that the intervention was not delivered by health care providers (or trainees), but instead by "health coaches." Multiple publications have resulted from HHS, with more work currently in progress.

JAZZ Study (Judging the Long-Term Aftereffects of Zzzz's)
The JAZZ Study was an investigation into the long-term associations among sleep, inflammation and cognitive functioning in a sample of at-risk older adults. Participants were recruited from inpatient hospital units and were followed longitudinally for up to five years post-discharge. This work was supported by a grant from the Sleep Research Society Foundation. Several publications have resulted from this project, with more currently in progress.

RIPE Study (Resveratrol for Improved Performance in the Elderly)
The RIPE Study was a randomized, controlled trial examining the physical and cognitive effects of Resveratrol supplementation in older adults. Dissemination of study results is pending.
“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old,
they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”
- Gabriel García Márquez